Bubble – a manifesto on our view of the world

Welcome to this speculative exhibition on the awareness of bubbles.

Welcome to this speculative exhibition on the awareness of bubbles. Social media algorithms are designed in a way that causes intellectual isolation. Users become separated from alternate world views, cultures and opinions. These isolations are called filter bubbles. The danger of these bubbles is that users only see what they want to see and are not getting challenged with different viewpoints. That way users could start reacting radically to opposing viewpoints. Moreover, fake news is caused by these bubbles, since it is hard to track down the source of the information.

It is extremely important to be aware of your own bubble and other possible world views. Your view on the world is not the only one and not all information on the internet is valid. To stress the importance of this awareness, you can experience different bubbles by stepping into one yourself. Put on the glasses and immerse yourself in this new reality. Watch how your view on the world gets blurred by the topics defining this specific bubble.

Course: Perspectives on Aesthetics
A project in collaboration with Lara Dona, Julie Heij,
Diede van Marle en Pim Visser.

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