Harmonizing values in AI

How will Intelligent systems integrate our human values? Who will be responsible for this integration in our every day life?

In our daily lives, we increasingly encounter collaboration with AI systems. These intelligent systems have their own values, bringing a complexity that we as designers struggle to understand our human position in them. This project is a critical exploration of the role of designers in integrating human values into intelligent systems by using speculative futures techniques to start a discussion.

Course: Creativity and Aesthetics of Data and AI
A project in collaboration with Jelmer Braamskamp, Merel van Lieshout and Anna Merl

We explored a possible situation in which we use AI planning tools to make our lives efficient, meaning that our lives are likely to lose a sense of spontaneity. We highlighted a possible future in which designers would harmonize the values involved, applying a negotiation method like arbitration to introduce a value like spontaneity in a fair way. We presented this scenario in a provocative experience, asking whether this is what we want. Will spontaneity still be spontaneous in this way? Should we rely on systems to secure these values in our lives? Or should we as humans take responsibility ourselves?

Vision for 2030

Society in our future context

We presented this scenario in a provocative experience, asking whether this is what we want.

Exploring negotiation methods

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